Sunday, March 15, 2015

Favorite Sport?


Sports. They're pretty popular. Almost everyone has a favorite sport, whether they play it actively, enjoy playing the game when they can, or simply enjoy watching it. So, what's my favorite? First off, I'd kind of like to redefine sports.
What a lot of us think of when we think of sports is getting out on a field, being a jock, becoming a super-star, being rich and famous, and crazed dudes who have to catch every game and constantly become obsessed with this world of the rich and famous. But when I think of sports, I simply think of things that are physical and require practice and skill, not something that makes people rich and famous and is almost impossible to achieve without being a jerk (which I find as popular opinion). And personally, I'm not a big sports fan at all. But, there are still some sports that I find fascinating, so I decided, for the first time in my entire life as a writer, I would write something about sports. So here we go with my top five sports list.

1. Fencing

This is defiantly not the most popular sport. In fact, you may not even heard of it. Basically, you are fighting one-on-one with swords against and opponent. No, it isn't medieval dueling, mind you. You use thin swords to tap an opponent on chest/stomach (or other qualifying area) to score a point. Its actually really strategic and fun. I also prefer a one on one style instead of team sports, like Smash Bros.  I used to really enjoy this when I was six (explaining my pin name 'Fencer6') and have always found it fun just to work at and improve (although it was too difficult at such a young age [I was one of the youngest, if not the youngest in the studio) so I eventually dropped it. Still though, it remains one of my favorites.

2. Fútbol

What is this, you ask. No, it isn't football, as so many Americans call it. This is the true fútbol! Every other country calls it fútbol, and yet we Americans call it 'soccer' and gave the name of football to, what other nations refer to ask, American football. They are nothing alike! Football hardly even uses your foot, and the shape of the 'football' isn't even a ball! As my friend once said, it should be called 'handegg'. All name rants aside, this is a very interesting and fun sport, that, while it isn't the most popular in America, is a sport greatly loved internationally. It is a sport that requires great training and talent, and is very thrilling to both watch and play. I personally love playing defense, trying to keep my opponents from crossing to our side. This game has a great format and game style, and I can see why it is so loved.

3. Basketball

Finally, a sport that is named appropriately. Indeed, this sport uses both baskets and balls. In my city, the college basketball is everything. It's probably our only good sports team in the state. So, naturally, this is a big part of sports in our city. We all love watching our basketball, and oftentimes kids on my street will play, and I find it pretty fun. So yeah, that's why it's in my top five.


4. Golf

Yeah, I know this is a weird one for a minor. But, my friend greatly enjoys this game and has taken me golfing before, and I like it a fair amount. It takes precision, strategy, and lots of time in the sun on the green hitting golf balls with a club. Pretty fun actually, seeing the ball flying through the air and trying to fine-tune your swing, all while being able to enjoy it with my friend. This is why it made my #4.

5. Baseball

At this point, the list is getting pretty exhaustive. Besides a year or two playing tee-ball, I've never really played baseball. But, I love going to the games. Frankly though, I hardly do. I also scarcely watch it on TV, as I find this boring and on like the real 'take-me-down-to-the-ball-game' feeling in a real stadium. I just like that classic baseball feeling. I also like learning about the baseball legends and their records, as well as the numerous baseball cards that are out there. Again, I hardly know any of this or own cards, but I still like how the trading cards and records have made this a long-loved, interesting game. I also like the feeling of aiming the bat and trying to run from base to base, as I have always loved sports like kickball. It's kind of hard to explain, but I just love the game of kick ball. 

Welp, there you have it! My favorite sports, all lined up! I'm not at all the sportiest person, nor the best at explaining them, but I figured it's high time I make a sports post. Anyhow, thanks for reading, and I hope you stay tuned!


Opinion Piece: Comics: The past is better than the future


Comics. During the close of the 20th century, these things were all the rage. Kids all over the place flocked to stores to purchase these action-packed pages of monthly fun. But, the key thing to notice is that this is all in past tense. You really don't see this kind of love of comics among kids any more. Yes, they're still out there, but they are much different. Different in ways I wish they weren't.
Now, if you aren't a comic fan, you may be thinking "Wait what? Comics are still comics, right? I don't see a difference." If you've never opened a vintage comic, than this is what you may think. But, compare a modern comic to those of the past and you will see big differences, which I have described and compared below:


Probably the most shallow of all the differences are the differences in art. Yet I can't see to get around this. I love the feeling of old comics, it's classic cheesy highlights and easy-to-follow, frame-by-frame setup that makes each page tell a story of its own. Now though, things have greatly changed. Instead of just being a medium of story telling, it seems to be an art gallery! Flashy, glossy images cover the pages, making the dialogue and story scarce and giving it a feeling not of vintage, true, bonifide comic, but instead a movie copied down to the pages. The art may be one of the things I like most about classic comics. But, many other things have changed as well.


This is something I absolutely loathe about modern comics. A while back, comics told a cool, cheesy, on-going story. Now, it's the breeding ground of vulgar objectifying outfits, bad morals, extreme gory violence, swear words, drugs, and overall profanity. What used to be children's stories and hobbies has become a mature-content wasteland. Stories are no longer bright, cheery, and cheery, but dark, gory, and morbid. But, I have more to complain about.


Back when comics were first getting their start, things were pretty straight forward. Like Spider-Man? Fill out a little sheet of paper, check off his name, and you receive everyone of his comics every month, and the comics stayed pretty consistent with their themes and writing styles, and these series lasted a long time. They were cheesy, adventurous, and fun to read. But modern comics simply aren't the same. Subscribing is very difficult, and often times characters have multiple, short lasting series which made characters much less consistent and made the comic world widely varying and inconsistent.

Overall, I miss the old days of comics, and comics from the 70's, 80's, and 90's will probably be all I buy and read consistently. But what caused this sudden change? I believe it was the audience. A generation ago, there were very few 'comic shops'. Instead they were available in  many grocery stores, and through numerous mail subscriptions. It was incredibly popular among kids, because there were few other entertainment forms. Television programs were few, and movies could only be seen on rare occasions in the theaters. But now, kids can watch TV 24/7, can watch dozens of movies and TV shows with the click of a button on Netflix or DVSs, and of course can play the thousands of video games, something unheard of in the 80's. I wish we could go back to the old comic style, but if we can't I thank you for reading and hope you stay tuned!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy nominated for KCA blimp!


If you are a Marvel fan, you probably saw Guardians of the Galaxy, a thrilling, well written sci-fi series by Marvel that had never really been fully explored until the release of this movie. When it came to this movie, critics were hardly critics at all: they were more like supporters! It got amazing reviews, and was overall a well produced movie. So it is no surprise that it got nominated for a Kids Choice Award!

Image result for guardians of the galaxy

If you don't know what that is, the Kids Choice Awards (or KCAs) are Nickelodeon sponsored Oscar-type awards for lots of different media spanning many different mediums, from movies to TV shows to books. Then it is voted upon by fans all across the nation (and maybe even the world!) to decide which one wins in each category. With this movie being so well made and popular, it was nominated for best movie. So, of course, I voted for it. If it wins it receives an award that is an orange Nickelodeon blimp. While this may seem kind of lame, I still hope they win. But, if you're more of a Transformers person, it too was nominated. It was a fairly good movie, although it lacked a good plot and really long, so I didn't give it my vote.

The KCAs are going to be airing on Nickelodeon on March 28th, so I guess we'll find out then if they won! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned!



When Star Wars Episode 7 was first announced, it shook the Star Wars fan-base to its foundation. Just to think the beloved Star Wars series, which had been re watched many times over I'm sure, would be continuing was amazing. But now, we are still experiencing new after shocks with the announcement of two new Star Wars movies.
Alright, so the first is called Rouge One, a film not part of the traditional series which will follow around an individual character instead of an entire plot. Not much is known about it, but from what it sounds like it seems it may be about someone who has gone rouge- although I'm not sure about that. Also, because is says Rouge One, it sounds like it could be about a solider like a Storm Trooper, since they have numbers as I.D.s. It could even be a story about that one Storm Tropper we saw in the Episode 7 trailer, who most certainly seemed rouge. While we don't know what it is about, we do know it will be released in winter of 2016, more accurately December 16, 2016, (about a year after Episode 7) and will be featured in theaters. It will also be directed by the same guy who directed Godzilla (the new one), which looks really awesome and well directed, so I am excited to see his work. It will also be written by the same writer who wrote Cinderella, and while it isn't very appealing to me, it does seem fairly well written.
Now for some main-series news. They have now officially announced a new movie in the main Star Wars series: Star Wars: Episode 8!

This movie is still very much under-wraps, but here's what we know:

  • It is a continuation of the Episode 7 time line
  • It is a Star Wars movie (duh!)
  • It is to be released on May 26, 2017
  • It is directed and written by Rian Johnson, director of films such as Looper 

Overall this news is very exciting, and I can't believe that the Star Wars series is finally kicking up into full gear once more! Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

New Star Wars line!


Hello Star Wars fans! Fencer6 here, and today I will be talking about the latest Star Wars news! As you all probably know, Star Wars Episode 7 is coming out this December!
Now, what first threw me for a loop when first hearing that Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher would all be in the next movie is that they are much older. I mean, no offense to them, but Carrie is already past fifty (almost sixty), Mark has passes sixty, and Harrison is in his seventies! How could these character, once so lively, suddenly become gray haired and wise? What happened to them? How can we take such a big gap?
Well, that's exactly what a new set of novels and comics are going to do. Tell us what happened between the 30 year gap of Episodes 6 and 7. This new series line is called Journey to Star Wars: Force Awakens. But, it isn't just a straight forward, chronological order of books. While they may all be working under Disney, lots of different authors, comics, and publishing houses will all be contributing to this ongoing series. It is basically a canon version of the Expanded Universe novels, which have now been deemed 'legends' which never officially happened. Marvel has released a cover art for its new event series, which will be coming out September of this year, seen below.

Not only will these provide cool, canon stories telling us what the trio did while no new movies were made, but these also will hint at what is to come in Episode 7, a sneak peak I am dying to see. Alas, it looks like we will have to hold our anticipation until fall. Overall though, I am very happy we will be seeing new Star Wars content that will finally be canon after the elimination of the Expanded Universe, and I can't wait to learn what crazy adventurers these five went on.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned, and goodnight!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sub-divisoind of posts

 Blog Announcement

Hey guys! Fencer6 here! So, I've been thinking about how I should split up this blog, and I have decided on several main aspects, or categories, of posts I will be making. Each post will have a header on it detailing just what type of post it is. I have a fair amount of varying interests that don't exactly match well together, so if you find one topic boring you can skip to a topic you do like. Here are all of my main topics below, as well as their coordinating colors:

1. Blog Announcements
2. Geek (trading card games, movies [such as Star Wars], comics, ect.)
3. Educational (math & history mainly)
4. Gaming Reviews
5. Overall Media (TV Shows and movies)
6. World news and history (boring to you 'whippersnappers', I know, I won't spend too much time on this)
7. Writing and liturature
8. Life & Religion
9. Hobbies and Projects (model rocket launching, hiking, stuff like that)
10. Sports (I most likely won't be doing this much though)
I know that's a lot, many of which you guys may find boring. That was just my complete list, although many categories will be fledged out much more than others. I just wanted to make a good organization system.

Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you stay tuned!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Welcome to the new site!

Hello everyone! Fencer6 here with the unveiling of my blog! In the past I've had a few very specific blogs like video game blogs and writing blogs, but these never seemed to stick. So, what is this blog, you ask? My blog! This is everything I like, from movies, to video games, to writing, and I am very excited!
Now, before I begin posting, I would like to explain one thing. My name. Almost anyone who sees my name 'Fencer6' asks why it is that. Here is a quick explanation: when I was six years old, I wanted to make a Club Penguin account. Additionally, at the time, I was also doing fencing (a sport where you fight with swords). So, I decided to combine the two things, making for Fencer6. So, since I have always liked the sound of that, I've kept that name for much of my accounts and writing.

Also, I will now be posting a new post every other day (or even more often) to celebrate this blog's opening! While most of these should be original, I may post a few older ones from my other blogs. Still, this means that every other day you can come back here and see new content! So, I hope you'll check it out!

Anyway, thanks for reading guys! I am very excited to be opening this blog, and hope you will stop by and read! Thanks, stay tuned, and bye! 